Cleaning Your Room

Run Time 2 min

Your physical space reflects your state of mind. If your room or house is cluttered and disorganized, your mind is cluttered and disorganized.  When you have too much clutter in your life, you are not able to see things clearly and find the things that you need. 

Keeping your room clean is part of mindfulness. Cleaning your room, car, work desk, or entire house is not just a chore that keeps you from doing the important things in your life. It’s a prerequisite to doing the important things in your life. 

As you are cleaning your room, feel that you are polishing your life, making things flow better and more efficiently.  You can make it a fun task since it puts energy into your life. Put on music, dance as you clean, do whatever you need to do to make your mind recognize that cleaning your room is a high energy endeavor. 

Keeping your room clean is different from obsessing about cleanliness. Rooms will get messy, that’s what they do. Apply common sense to determine when to clean it. For most of us, it’s much more often than we’d like to!