Benefits of Meditation

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Meditation is ridiculously good for you. This is not hyperbole. The list of benefits associated with meditation is practically endless. Certainly people think of health benefits, which are real and proven, such as reducing stress, anxiety and pain, lowering blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, improving cognitive functions, acting as a natural and healthy pain killer, and many more.  If we were only considering our health and physical well being, learning to meditate would be up there with exercise and healthy diet as among the most important positive lifestyle changes you can make.

But the benefits of meditation simply begin with health and physical well being. Meditation makes us happy. It makes us powerful, materially successful,  creative, wise,  balanced,  compassionate, funny, and generally more likable.

It helps us deal with life’s small and large challenges, and with the reality that today we are alive and one day we won’t be.

The Buddha described meditation as the pathway to enlightenment, the vehicle to becoming fully aware. He also said that each of us needs to validate each of these benefits for ourselves. 

Believe the hype. Learn how to meditate and realize these benefits for yourself.