Meditation is our natural state of pure being. We are everything, and everything is a part of us. It’s true! We are truly limitless awareness. But we are not aware of it, because somewhere along the way we’ve gotten confused and come to think that we are ourselves. We are a particular person with a limited identity: likes, loves, dislikes, hates, needs, desires, fears, etc: you get the idea, a lot of stuff!
You may be thinking at this point “What do you mean ‘we’ve gotten confused and come to think we are ourselves’? If we are not ourselves, who or what the heck are we? Why do I care so much about my social media profiles then?”
Great questions! We are not just our limited ideas of who we are because we are limitless awareness, with all of the joy, freedom, and power that you would expect to have if you are limitless awareness. And we care about our social media profiles because we are very attached to being limited: being limitless awareness sounds really scary! But it’s actually the most amazing experience there is.
So when we talk about meditation and teach meditation techniques, we are talking about learning to realize that we are already limitless awareness, which is a gradual but enjoyable process in itself.