
Run Time 6 min

Spiritual balance is the ability to be happy in all situations.  You cannot be knocked off balance , inwardly at least, when you are happy.  On the pathway to enlightenment, balance, power and wisdom are all necessary and they work together. 

Inner balance is gained by focusing on the heart center – the heart center is the middle chakra in the central channel, so with three chakras below and three chakras above it is the center of balance. The heart center is also the center of love, and love is a part of balance.  

Balance means that we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We learn how to be bright, hopeful, and optimistic. We practice balance by directing our practice towards happy and bright things, towards assisting others, towards controlling our minds so that we don’t allow ourselves to be weighed down by negative feelings and energies.

In meditation, you will learn balance by learning how to still the mind.

We learn how to extend ourselves through love, to not get bent out of shape and frustrated at life. People who practice spirituality sometimes forget this principle and turn spirituality into something that doesn’t make them happy. Of course, that’s not the point.