What is Enlightenment?

Run Time 7 min

The path to ultimate freedom and adventure is the pathway to enlightenment, also known as the Enlightenment Cycle.  Like with everything we do at Living Flow, we’d like to cut through the hype for you. 

Let’s start by defining what we mean by “enlightenment”. Enlightenment is the complete awareness of life without any mental modifications. Once you are completely aware of life, unfiltered by your thoughts and limited ways of perceiving, you are free.  Becoming aware is a journey: it’s life’s greatest adventure and the best game worth playing.  Awareness is much more than you think it is: it’s so much more that in Buddhism they say that enlightenment (aka complete awareness) is “beyond the mind’s knowing”. It’s just too big for us to think about! But we can experience it a little bit at a time, and eventually more and more.

The deeper your experience in awareness, the more your joy and wisdom grow. While this may sound like wishful thinking, it’s actually something you can use to calibrate your life and mind in a very precise way. We contain unlimited awareness within us!  We are connected to all of life, even though most of us are usually unaware of that. Anyone who truly wants to can live in complete awareness and perfect happiness! That’s what the Buddha and other enlightened persons experienced themselves and taught their students to experience.

The lessons in this series describe the different aspects of the path that can take us there.