Personal Happiness

Run Time 7 min

The purpose of life is happiness. What else could it possibly be? Life doesn’t really have a purpose per se, it just is. But in the pathway to enlightenment, we realize that what we focus on we become. By selecting our purpose then, aka our focus, we select an outcome. So we choose happiness as our benchmark for how we are doing, perhaps for no other reason than it feels better to be happy. At some point, we’ve tried everything else, or being on a roller coaster of emotions, and we decide that we prefer consistency instead: to be consistently happy, not just happy for a few moments, days, or weeks, but to be happy, and happier, forever.

Most people do not believe this is possible. But trust us, it is! Through the Enlightenment Cycle, we learn how to direct our minds to happiness. Happiness exists in the higher dimensions that our mind can access. Through meditation, we merge our conscious awareness with those higher dimensions, which are referred to as the causal dimensions, or planes of light. By doing so, we gradually begin to experience a deeper, lasting happiness.

There are many different dimensions of happiness, and we can experience them every time we meditate as we get better at maintaining a focus. Initially we may not feel these higher dimensions, but as our kundalini shifts to the different energy centers, our mind goes beyond the physical and astral dimensions to access some of the higher gradient energies of the causal. After you meditation, if you feel energized, clarified, and happier, you have tapped into some of the higher dimensions of energy. As you get more consistent with your meditation practice, you will tap into more and more of these higher energies.